EDUC 5333: Blog Week #5 (Digital Storytelling)

1. Discuss your progress on the digital story.  What is your plan to be prepared to share your story during the 7th week of class?  What do you need assistance with?

Unpacking the progress of my digital story that I plan to tell for my final project in EDUC 5333, I feel confident and prepared. Aside from the fleshing out what story I want to tell, how it can cross over in an educational environment, how it's connected to content and ISTE standards, Triple E framework, what tools I plan to use, and how it'll be accessed, I have also formulated a complete vertical and horizontal lesson plan to go along with. While complete that lesson plan, I was able to stamp certain requirements and identify certain gaps that I was priorly missing. In order for me to be fully ready and prepared I need to ensure that I schedule enough time for me to go out and shoot my three photographs that will create my narrative and then takes those images and format them with the anticipated platform to deliver to an audience. As far as assistance, I feel prepared enough with my competency in producing the images and presenting them. If anyone would like to comment/provide feedback on what other presentational resources (aside from powerpoint, prezi, premier pro, final cut pro) that I could use, then I'd be open and flexible to using a different platform than the ones mentioned. I think it would more resourceful if I used a platform I haven't used before, although the ones I am already versed in are pretty solid choices; but I am open to other options. 

2. Review the resources for this week and discuss potential application tools for the production of your story or use with students in your classroom.

Honestly, after looking over the provided resources for this week, I did not feel many of the applications or platform can fit for what exactly I am looking for in my project. Powerpoint, prezi, premier pro, final cut pro are all resources that I have had already visualized being my main source to produce my digital story. However, I can definitely see the protentional of using the Podcasters app from Spotify to either use as an alternative to the typical slide show/video method or as a way to further discuss the behind the scenes or logistics of creating the images or possible inspiration and creations. 

3. In preparation for the Digital Storytelling in your Community Assignment due next week.  Discuss the following:
  • Who is the authentic audience for your story?  Who will be impacted by it?  In what ways might this story resonate with this audience?
I believe my authentic audience for my story will be those between the ages of sixteen to thirty (my own age). I believe my experience and story can resonate with many teenagers or younger adults who have gone through core memories that left unpacked or unhealed trauma with their guardian. My exact scenario may be unique, but I believe the power dynamic and struggle I am trying to replicate in my story is something that many others could relate to. I think those who view my story may feel curious, uncomfortable, frustrated, and a sadness as it may trigger their own scars or trigger their sense of empathy for the subject in the image. I think being able to communicate these strong feelings and emotions in only three images will resonate with the audience by either triggering their own feelings and experiences that were the same/similar and also but triggering a curiosity of wanting more to the narrative. 
  • What skills and knowledge have you developed as you create your story? 
The biggest skill I feel I have developed while creating this story is mainly on the side of the formation and creation of the pre-production portion of the story. Referring back to Ohler, I have learned these story maps and arcs since sixth grade, but I have yet to reference them ore recently in my classwork and projects. It was interesting having to connect and begin my project with the story map, but I found a clarity and focus on what exactly I want to communicate that I have not had experience beforehand. 

  • How might your community/students be impacted by engaging in digital storytelling?  What role can you play?
I think my community and students will be impacted by engaging in my digital story by having them tap into their own core memories (regardless of where they call on the emotional spectrum) and perhaps manifest that into their own artistic creations/digital stories themselves. The role I can play in that is a supportive one as I have already gone through the entire creative process, so I can assist and guide in areas that they may find themselves stuck in from the pre production, production, post production, and presentation. 


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